We, the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, under and by virtue of the powers conferred upon us by Act of Incorporation being Chapter 70 of 78 George V. of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada by Amended Statutes authorizing us to establish Branches of this Association at any place in the Dominion of Canada,
REPOSING GREAT CONFIDENCE in the loyalty, integrity, prudence and good citizenship of the hereinafter described Veterans duly qualified to become Active Members of our Association, who have by their petition, supported by the Declaration of intention to become members of twenty five other qualified Veterans as required by the Constitution, asked that a Branch of the Association be established in their midst.
HAVE BY RESOLUTION of our Governing Executive passed the First day of June 1937.
CONSTITUTED AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO CONSTITUTE, William Bayliss, L.H. McCabe, F. Gardner, F. James, J.A. Milton, A. Medinsky, W. Russel, W. Cawley, H.C. Page, C. Coyne, E. Johnston, J. Keys, E. Campbell, R. Nicolson, A. Coxen, R. Smith, R. Lawson, J.R. Porteous
Petitioners in that behalf and such other persons as shall become members thereof a Branch of the Association to be known as
— A Unit of the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada —
under the Name, Number and with the Powers and Jurisdiction within the purview of the said Act of Incorporation as amended hereinafter set forth.
THE NAME OF THE SAID UNIT SHALL BE Lakeview Unit and its number shall be 262. The Territorial Jurisdiction of the said Unit shall be (subject to expiation at any time) as follows:
Toronto Township in the County of Peel, Ontario
THE POWERS CONFERRED ON SAID UNIT shall be and include all such Powers and Authorities as by the Constitution of the said Association is conferred upon Units and shall with these presents in accordance with any provisions of the Constitution in that behalf in force, be subject to such amendments, variations, qualifications, restrictions and revocations at any time or from time to time as shall be considered by the Association or its Governing Executive in the interests of the Association necessary or advisable.
THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE SAID UNIT shall be situated at Lakeview in the Province of Ontario and shall not be removed therefrom without the consent of the Governing Executive of the Association.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We, The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, have this Fourteenth day of March 1986 caused these presents to be sealed with the Great Seal of our Association witnessed by hands of our proper Officers on that behalf.
Dominion Seal Affixed: signed by: Dominion President & Dominion Secretary (March 14, 1986)